DOSAGE: (Adults): Take 2 capsules twice daily, 30 minutes prior to meals / snacks (preferably before breakfast and lunch). If training early morning, take 2 capsules prior to workout, and then follow with breakfast directly after training. Start with 1 capsule to assess tolerance and increase dosage to a maximum of 2 capsules (full dosage) as tolerated (maximum of 4 capsules per day). This product is indicated to assist weight loss as part of a weight management programme. Only effective when combined with a balanced, energy-restricted eating plan and regular physical activity.
Take PhedraCut Lipo X Hardcore Fat Burner for 5 consecutive days of the week and stop use for 2 days before continuing again. Not recommended after 4 pm. PhedraCut Lipo X Night Stim Free can be used during off-cycle and before evening meals.
WARNINGS: Limit the use of caffeine containing products. Do not use continuously for more than 2 months without consulting your registered healthcare provider.